Align People Strategies to Expedite Strategy Execution


Welcome to our concise tipsheet on optimizing People Strategy for success. We focus on aligning culture, identifying strategic job families, nurturing leadership, and enhancing management practices. Explore insights on teamwork, communication, and structure to drive strategic outcomes effectively.

Key People Strategies:

1. Values

What is the culture (values) we need to have to achieve better performance in our measures of competitive advantage (industry critical success factors)? How do we want people to behave in the future so that we get better results than we do today? For high growth companies, the values of customer focus, innovation and being results driven are critical to expedite strategy execution.

2. Strategic Job Families 

Identify strategic job families that have the greatest impact on the strategy, based on internal processes. Research studies indicate that the success of the company strategy is determined by how well the company develops competencies in less than 10 percent of the workforce.

3. Leadership development and succession planning

The availability of qualified leaders at all levels to focus on strategy. Common leadership development approaches include programs in the areas of coaching, mentoring, executive coaching, and internal and external executive education programs.

4. People management

Recruitment, retention, promotions, transfers, outplacement, and training and development.

5. Performance management

Alignment of goals and incentives with the strategy.

6. Internal communications and information systems

Alignment of communication strategies and information systems to enable people strategies.

7. Organization structure and role clarity

Strategy drives structure and role clarity to ensure that all employees are strategically focused and to avoid role conflict.

8. Teamwork

Sharing of knowledge and eliminating functional silos and bureaucracy to enable the strategy.

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