How to Accelerate Change

Navigating organizational change is a complex journey. In an environment that demands agility and resilience, leaders are tasked with not just managing change, but accelerating it to harness opportunities and mitigate risks. Learn the 20-60-20 rule, a principle that simplifies the dynamics of resistance and acceptance within teams and organizations.

The 20-60-20 rule, often applied in the context of organizational change management, suggests that within any given group undergoing change, approximately 20% will readily embrace the change, 60% will be open to it with some persuasion or support, and the remaining 20% will strongly resist the change. This rule serves as a guideline for understanding the distribution of attitudes towards change within a group or organization and helps leaders tailor their approach to address resistance and facilitate acceptance among team members.

The concept of Speed Dating as a metaphor for rapid, impactful interactions underscores the importance of swift, meaningful engagement in driving change. By adopting a structured approach to identifying and addressing resistance, focusing efforts on the pivotal middle 60%, and leveraging peer influence and engagement, leaders can expedite the journey towards their ideal future state. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of change, making the process not just a necessity but an opportunity for innovation and growth.


Change is a disruption in expectations.
Resistance is upset caused by a disruption in expectations. People resist both positive and negative change.
Extreme resistance occurs when a negatively perceived change is imposed on someone and ego gets in the way.
Ego is all about looking good, being right, getting defensive, playing the blame game, judging others, and being controlling.

Acceptance to change occurs due to the happiness formula: life condition matches expectations.

The following seven strategies will help you accelerate change and speed up results:

  1. Identify and communicate your: (1) current state; (2) your ideal future state; and (3) an accelerated transition plan.
  2. Explain why and create a sense of urgency for accelerating change.
  3. Surface the resistance and take action.
  4. Identify the 20-60-20.
  5. Focus on the 60% to speed things up.
  6. Use positive peer pressure.
  7. Make it fun.

In your next leadership meeting, use these seven strategies to drive change: clearly define your current and future states, establish urgency, address resistance, focus on engaging the 60%, and harness positive peer pressure. Use these points as an agenda to ensure a focused and effective discussion.