MacKay CEO Forums has developed trusted resources to help CEOs, Executives, and Business Owners optimize their schedules and achieve greater productivity. These tools empower leaders to take control of their time, allowing them to focus on strategic priorities that drive success. Mastering time isn’t just about managing your schedule; it’s about living with intention and maximizing every aspect of your life.
Click below to create your Wheel of Life and develop your 90-day plan.
1. Evaluate your Wheel of Life
Taking control of your Wheel of Life and living with few regrets daily is key to time mastery. This is the path to achievement and enjoying the journey of life.
How does the Wheel of Life work? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 – 10 (10 = high) according to how satisfied you are with each aspect of your wheel of life. Reflect on your assessment: What choices are you making? What are you saying yes to? What are you saying no to? How can you even out your wheel for a smoother ride?
2. Develop a 90-day Plan
We have 24/7 and 52 weeks each year to get the most out of all aspects of our lives. Nothing extraordinary happens without intention; CEOs, Executives, and Business owners need to plan for the future in order to see results.
How does the 90-day plan work? After filling out your Wheel of Life, start by setting specific business, family, and personal goals based on your self-assessment. Develop actions based on your strengths. What do you need to start doing NOW to achieve your goals? Going forward, every quarter, create a new 90-day plan.